
The Conciliar Anglican was a site dedicated to sharing the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith by way of the theology of the Anglican formularies (Book of Common Prayer, Articles of Religion, Catechism, Ordinal, and Homilies) and the theology of the Anglican divines of the seventeenth century.

The project ended in June of 2016 after five years. Fr. Jonathan, who was the founder and head writer, continues to blog at Working the Beads.


58 Responses to About

  1. Bryan Owen says:

    “The contributers here come from across the Anglican spectrum but share in common a commitment to Christian orthodoxy and a belief that the best way for Anglicanism to be truly biblical and truly catholic is to be truly conciliar.”

    Sounds good to me! I’m including “The Conciliar Anglican” to my blog list.

  2. JD Ballard says:

    I cannot believe how good this blog is! If I had known of this sooner, I would never have started my own. Fantastic! Easily the best Anglican blog on the internet.

  3. Fr. Jonathan says:

    Wow, many thanks! If you’re interested in becoming a contributor, let me know. There are a few folks contributing behind the scenes, but no one writing yet except me, and I’d be happy to have more voices here than just my own.

  4. Hentzi Elek says:

    Wow, Jonathan,I had no idea. You should share this blog with our Deanery and with the whole Diocese.

  5. Pingback: Anglicanism’s Magisterial Authority

  6. Mike says:

    Just introduced to your BLOG site. I am pleased to find the information here to my liking and in agreement.
    Peace and Blessings

  7. Javier says:

    I am a convert to anglicanism that wishes to know more about it. I am pursuing also, the road towards priesthood. I like mostly the Broad Church(via media between High and Low Churches). I would love to ahave more info on Broad Churches.

  8. Billy Birch says:

    I’m so glad I “discovered” you. You grant me hope for the future of the ECUSA! May the Lord continue to bless you in all that you do for Him.

  9. G.R.M.Anderson says:

    A great blog. Keep up the truly godly mission of promoting classical Anglicanism because it is, quite simply, the Catholic Faith (without Papist additions or Protestant subtractions). May the Lord bless your ministry for His glory and for the building up of the Anglican branch of His Holy Catholic Church.

    • Ruper says:

      “Papist” is such a nasty word. For a self-identified Catholic, not an “ex” one, hearing/reading it feels like a very sharp knife being slipped gently between your ribs.

  10. Father Jonathan, a REALLY outstanding blog–well written, and, very clearly and logically explained–with evident deep love for our Savior and the historic faith of the Church catholic. I’m really curious as to why your full name and parish are carefully omitted from this blog? TEC repercussions? (very sad, but totally understandable…)

  11. Dcn. Brench says:

    Fr. Jonathan, I’d like to add my voice to the thank-you’s for providing such a calm and understandable Anglican blog. In particular, I enjoy the videos you’ve made, and have used your “Why We Need Bishops” piece in catechesis. Keep up the good work!

    • Fr. Jonathan says:

      Wow, that’s a great honor to have something I’ve done used in catechesis. Many thanks!

      • Hey Fr. Jonathan, I just discovered you, and I am glad I did. I am an Anglican Church planter in Northern CA, and am going to be teaching our folks a series on what it means to be Anglican, and I for the life of me can not find any good resources out there. Then I found Conciliar Anglican. I plan on using some of your videos, if that’s OK. We have a skeptics night that meets Tuesdays, most of whom are former evangelicals, trying to figure out what they believe. None come from Anglican backgrounds. I’ll keep you posted! Yours in Kingdom Service,
        Rev. Joshua Lickter, Incarnation, Roseville, CA.

      • Jeff Hurst says:

        How do I find these vidoeos!

      • Fr. Jonathan says:

        There is a tab on the right under “Special Series” that says “videos.” Or you can go to http://www.youtube.com/conciliaranglican

  12. Ane says:

    Anglican, Baptist, Catholic – isn’t the priority just to receive Christ into our hearts surely? And try to live the way He would want us to? No disrespect meant, but so many denominations have been man made, and are far from the teachings of our Lord.

    • Fr. Jonathan says:

      Hi Ane (perhaps that is a typo?),

      I appreciate what you’re saying. Christ is certainly the priority. Please don’t think that I put this site together to mock others or to say, “My little group is better than yours!” Rather, the whole reason to celebrate classical Anglicanism is because Christ is at its center. Denominational structures are man-made, but the truth is divine. In as much as Anglicanism teaches the truth, I believe it is what the world needs. But we can call it anything and I’d be happy with it. It’s not the label that matters.

  13. Ane says:

    Bless you. What a lovely answer. Thank you so much – do hope I did not offend.

  14. Fr. David Marriott SSC says:

    Father Jonathan,
    I write with the request that we might reprint the article ‘Ask an Anglican – Roman Fever’ in the next edition of our two parish newsletter the Emerald Echo (http://parishofstbride.webs.com/newsletter.htm) (which is mailed to our sister parishes across Canada) as it deals with a challenge we have faced from a different angle: we have been engulfed with the problems of the TAC together with Anglicanorum Coetibus, whereas the Episcopal church has been engulfed with similar challenges from another quarter, but with the same results of disaffection, unhappiness, destruction of community and desertion.

  15. Thanks for the posts and your answers to questions. It has been very helpful in my effort to better understand reformation and catholic theology. I have been greatly helped by the writings of Cranmer, Parker, Andrews, Keble, and Pusey. I have lately been says:

    Thanks for the posts and your answers to questions. It has been very helpful in my effort to better understand reformation and catholic theology. I have been greatly helped by reading Robert Cappon.

    Where does Robert Cappon fit into Anglican theology?

  16. “Love all lovely, Love divine.” – Thank you! What a delightful gift those words are today! I look forward to reading more of your thoughts on faith and faith practice as I make my own journey toward understanding and reconciliation!

  17. Matty Taylor says:

    Thank you Fr.
    I was a Roman Catholic for over 30 yrs and have just in the past 7 years truly discovered Anglicanism. This is home and your videos and blogs have not only answered questions that I had the hardest time figuring out, but only solidifies in my mind ,heart, and soul that I have made the journey home. Christ’s peace to you Fr.

  18. I appreciate your blog very much. I am a lapsed Anglican – I left in 1982 for all the usual reasons that hundreds of thousands of us left the old Church. At heart, I am still Anglican, though I have made my way through a Protestant group, a Quaker group, and now I am pastor of a small non-denominational congregation. Your tenor and approach are very much from the old way – not in-your-face or abrasive, but gentle and kind.

    I have not returned to my Anglican roots because of the directions the Church has taken since it left me behind. But I so appreciate your take on things… it feels like being home again for a few moments when I read your posts or watch your videos.

    Brian Daniels

  19. through a glass darkly says:

    Fr. Jonathan,

    As a Wheaton College student, anglophile and Anglo-Catholic, your blog is a delight. Hits that happy place between Anglo-evangelicalism and Anglo-Catholicism. Way to go.

    Also: it may please you to know that at Wheaton there’s a strong movement towards Anglicanism. Many students come in from evangelical free, Baptist, or non-denominational backgrounds, and, being the smart Wheaties that they are, quickly realize that high church generally has much more intellectual and artistic heft. There are even two classes on Mary this semester, which, at the flagship evangelical school at the country, is a good sign for ecumenism.

    Thanks for your clear and consistent work. I enjoy reading what you have to say; it helps me dig even deeper into the historical roots of my faith.


  20. Robin K. Crigler says:

    Father John, I appreciate this blog so much. I’m a 20 year old Episcopalian and a college student. I’m really involved in (a very vibrant) ministry on my campus, and I have deep, deep love for Anglican liturgy and worship, while at the same time wrestling with the issues that continue to stalk this tradition. Frankly I’m troubled by the reluctance that seems to plague Anglicanism in drawing from its own theological heritage in these issues, as opposed to what I (by no means a theologian) worry are wishy-washy responses. Particularly among young people, I believe that our liturgy can be tremendously powerful, yet if it isn’t backed up bystrong theology, what does it profit us? It seems as if the spectrum runs from dogma-rich, liturgy-poor evangelical churches to theology-poor, liturgically fancy Anglican churches. Can’t (mustn’t?) liturgy and theology reinforce each other? Anyway, thanks for what you do.

  21. Leo OBrien says:

    I found this blog today. Excellent blog preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you. (Grace Episcopal, Florence Kentucky USA)

  22. An EXCELLENT blog (and yes, I too find it annoying when people write in all caps, but it is a good way to show emphasis without control over fonts). Thank you for the scholarship, theological depth and prayerful sincerity you bring to your writing. You have reignited in me a hunger for the theological and liturgical richness of our own tradition, reminding me that the two are not only ‘connected’ but are in fact mutually dependent. This isn’t ‘news’ to one ordained in the Anglican Church for as long as I have been, but it is a good reminder.

  23. Nick says:

    Dear Fr. Jonathan,

    I read you blog with great interest. Thanks for your good job! May I know your jurisdiction and if you are in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury.

  24. tomschronicles says:

    Are you part of the Episcopal Church, which has openly gay clergy and blesses same-sex marriages, or are you part of the Anglican Church in North America? Wouldn’t the ACNA be closer to Classical Anglicanism than the Episcopal church? I’ve watched a few of your youtube videos, and it seems to me the Classical Anglicanism you talk about is more conservative than the Episcopal Church.

    • Fr. Jonathan says:

      I am part of the Episcopal Church, which is the American province of the Anglican Communion, and the church of Seabury, Hobart, and Grafton. If you poke around a bit on this site, there are a couple of articles here and there that explain why I continue to minister from within TEC. Thanks for your support for the videos!

  25. MK8+ says:

    I just discovered your blog. What a thoughtful, care-filled and intelligent piece about confession. I’ve just emailed all my pals in SCP. Thank you – I’m subscribed!
    Blessings for your continued good work. I see that I have a lot of catchup reading to do!

  26. Sergio Martinez says:

    Fr. Jonathan, its an honor to finally be able to contact you, im 15 yrs. Old, I live in Mexico, i started seeing your videos through Youtube because my dad is The Primate Archbishop of the Iglesia Catolica Apostolica Anglicana Independiente en Mexico (Independent Anglican Catholic Apostolic Church in Mexico) and we keep the traditional Anglicanism just like the 39 Articles of Faith, and we wanna start using the 1662 BCP, but we still had our doubts, so, i wanted to ask you, if you think its a good idea, Thank you for your time and may God Almighty bless you.

    • Fr. Jonathan says:

      Hi Sergio,

      Thanks for the message! I don’t think using the 1662 BCP is ever a bad thing. Especially if there is a decent Spanish translation. Many blessings to you and your family.

  27. Hans says:

    Happy I found this blog, I try to read and learn more about the Anglican faith. Though I’m already a Christian, I just wondering how it’ll be to be an Anglican. Sounds great to me. I’m baptized in a Baptist church, will this baptism be accepted by an Anglican church? How to become an Anglican? Maybe you already wrote about it, don’t know yet… I’ll need to read further:-) Anyway, thanks for sharing all this and I’ll hope to visit an Anglican church soon. Greetings!

    • Fr. Jonathan says:

      Hi Hans. If you were baptized with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit/Ghost, your baptism would be considered valid by Anglicans. Good luck on finding a church!

  28. Padre Jonatham,
    Parabéns pelo trabalho! Excelente site!! Sou um sacerdote anglicano brasileiro e uso muitos dos seus artigos para divulgação e formação anglicana.
    God bless you!
    Rev. Pe. Rodson Ricardo Igreja da Natividade
    E-mail: revrodson@hotmail.com

  29. Vince Adkins says:

    Now, after hearing a few of your lectures — and I dearly appreciate the one about the meaning of the office of presiding bishop (this is pure gold, the word humility offered with such clarity) — I would like to know more about you. How did you come to be in the Episcopal Church? What seminary trained you? In what diocese do you serve? You remind me a bit of a bishop who had the uncanny wisdom and humor to avoid the allure of pride.

  30. Pingback: Branch Theory | Inquisitions

  31. Paul Roe says:

    Hello Father,

    I’m a 31 yeah old man from the Liverpool in the UK. I was christened a Roman Catholics at birth but have not practiced up until the past few months. Although i have alway “believed in God and jesus” (I do use this phrase as an example of my ignorance) I was not raised a churchgoer and did not understand a thing in reality.

    I have started to attend a Roman Catholic Church and to understand more about the faith which I openly admit I hold little knowledge of.

    Every week I learn more about the teachings of Jesus. My first week I assumed the Eucharist was simply ceremonial but now understand we literally are consuming the body and blood of Christ.

    This has given me great comfort at a difficult time in my life.

    I would like to thank you for your excellent post at: http://comforterchurch.org/about/anglican-roman-catholic-differences/

    Which helped me to understand a little about the differences in My Church and the Anglical Church. It truly has taught me some facts I did not know, although like I admit I am only at the beginning of my journey of learning the teachings of Christ.

    I know being a Christian is a life long journey and hope the Lord gives me an open mind to continue learning and practicing.

    Warm Regards
    Paul Roe
    Paul_r40 @ hotmail . Com

  32. Fr. Jonathan, I wanted to thank you for this beautiful blog and the statements of faith which are offered on it. As an Orthodox Christian priest, I especially found your article on ecumenism to be insightful and enlightening. While at seminary I had heard about how our two churches had been very close in dialogue in the past, but I wasn’t aware that this type of eucharistic, ecclesial theology still existed in the Anglican Church (please excuse my ignorance on this subject!). I enjoyed it a great deal, and to my eyes it was very Orthodox. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Thanks again!

    • Fr. Jonathan says:

      Thank you for those kind words, Fr. Niko. I pray that some day our churches will grow close again, that we might be drawn by the same Lord who bids us to be one in Him.

  33. Hi I’m an Irish Roman Catholic who worships in the church of Ireland but I’ve been disturbed at what some of my catholic priest friends have told me about the lack of apostolic succession in Anglicanism and its ramifications for the Eucharist. Love to talk to someone about this..

    • I don’t think Fr. Jonathan would agree with me, however, I find it clear that apostolic succession means nil to Anglicans ever since the ordination of women began: the subsequent (and natural) progression of women into the Anglican episcopacy has clearly signaled Anglicans are Protestants. Apostolic succession means nothing to Protestants either. However, to the two sides of the Universal Church – Catholicism and Orthodoxy – apostolic succession is not only valued, it is foundational and integral to who those Christians are. Men in episcopal succession was and is what “the Church has always taught.” I’m not saying Anglicans are somehow less Christian because of it… I’m just saying they do not have apostolic succession any longer (if they had it at all after Edward VI).

      • Fr. Jonathan says:

        You’re right. I don’t agree with that even in the slightest. I think the ecumenical work of the last twenty years with Protestants, in which apostolic succession has been a major subject of importance, tells a different story entirely.

      • barefootbrian says:

        I don’t mean to be argumentative, but I’m not sure what Protestants you mean (other than some mainline denominational heads, perhaps). I can’t think of a single Protestant who gives Apostolic Succession the time of day, let alone who thinks it’s important. The Protestant/Reformed viewpoint is and has been that Apostolic authority comes from the teachings of the apostles, not from those on whose heads successive hands have been laid. And, as I wrote in my comment, the introduction of women into priestly orders negates any hope of Anglican “apostolic succession” having any validity with Roman Catholic or Orthodox succession. Maybe it presents hope for uniting ELCA bishops to Anglicanism, but the UMs choose bishops for terms, not life; the Moravian bishops are sketchily traced; the COGIC bishops are administrators but make no claim to succession; etc.

        I went through a great deal of soul searching about the importance (or lack thereof) of apostolic succession when the Episcopal Church went off the rails in 1976. I was happily and without apology Anglo-Catholic; then the Church left the faith of the apostles and Fathers with the ordination of women – which was to be the beginning of far worse. I have journeyed through many veins of Christianity to discover that the Church is alive and vital without the hierarchy… it is alive and vital in the Holy Spirit through those who follow Jesus Christ.

  34. Please tell me how and why Henry Viii did not found the Anglican Church? Surely it didn’t exist before him even though we could say after the fact that we return to the early ecumenical councils?

  35. As an Irishman it saddens me that the monasteries were sacked here by Henry VIII’s orders and all the Catholic Churches and lands confiscated by the Crown and given to the established (Anglican) Church of Ireland. This is probably why the majority of Irish (Roman) Catholics view the Angiican Church here with suspicion or hostility.

  36. Thank you- that’s so kind of you. It’s very good but still hard to determine in what way the church of Ireland relates to the old Celtic church of Patrick. Love your blogs by the way. Incredibly helpful, especially for an Irish Anglican like me! Raised Roman Catholic but I’ve found a home in classical Catholic Anglicanism here in Dublin. So a big thank you. Agree completely with your perspective. Just great to read.. Say a prayer for me. I’m a philosopher by training- my PhD was in the hermeneutics of religion but would love to do a theology degree- still looking for a distance learning one..

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